New to Climate

Being new to climate can be intimidating, but Women and Climate is here for you!

All women and non-binary individuals are welcome to join our Slack group and our channel #connect-new-to-climate to meet other climate newbies. You can network, share best practices, and meet other individuals who are currently working in climate!

Catch our Climate Journeys Webinar

Join us for the inaugural edition of Climate Journeys: From Getting Started to Driving Impact! Three Women and Climate community members will share their inspiring climate journeys.

📆 Tues, April 8 | 10:30am - 11:30am EST
📍 Zoom


  • Shanti Galvan

    Venture & Finance
    Mexico 🇲🇽

  • Esohe Ozigbo

    Public Health
    Nigeria 🇳🇬

  • Yelle Belle

    Branding & Marketing
    USA 🇺🇸

  • Stephanie Korbely

    Women and Climate
    Host and Moderator

Catch our New to Climate Webinar 2023

Learn about how and why our speakers got into climate, their climate journey so far, what resources they recommend, tips and best practices, and how every job can be a climate job! We’ll have breakout rooms with the speakers and some networking time as well at the end! Goes without saying - no climate experience necessary!



Resources 〰️

Here are some resources recommended by our community!
If you’d like to add one, please fill out this form here!